All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019
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This is the Most Wonderful software I have used for many many years. Ablecam has done many things like making sure my wife is healthy and safe, videos of puppies swimming in my pool, great security software even hosting my webpage!

 Don Dodson  more>>

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Define a URL to execute commands

Commands are URLs which start a program.

Name: name for the list External Commands

Address:URL for this command, in this example<br>http://localhost:8080/<b>set</b>

Command:which executable (exe or batch file) is to be executed. If the command is not in one of the paths defined in the PATH environment, the full path must be listed here

Parameter:Parameters for the command

Return: what type of return value does this command deliver

Test:Test your command before saving

Scripting is supported, any programming language which supports a console mode can be used.

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