some times the software does not behave as expected.
Having limited resources, testing on the developers end is limited.
Some times the solution for a problem is simple.
AbelCam 3.3.0 and up contain a support tool which simplifies the steps below. See Support Tool

For versions below 3.3.0 read on:
Documentation helps
to find problems. Help to produce documentation:
In the Options configuration form
check Debug Info (if the checkbox is not visible, check I am a AbelCam Expert )
The debug log will be written in AbelCams configuration folder
Note: If you're using version 2.3.4 or higher, you need to check the debug flag for each individual capture device to generate full debug information
Reproduce the problem, stop the program.
Zip your entire Configuration folder ( right click the folder, select Sent To, zip compressed folder )
Now it's time to send the information about the problem and the environment to the author:
write email to
Subject: <Your problem description>
describe in a few words what you do to produce the problem you're reporting
attach the zipfile