All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019

This is the Most Wonderful software I have used for many many years. Ablecam has done many things like making sure my wife is healthy and safe, videos of puppies swimming in my pool, great security software even hosting my webpage!

 Don Dodson  more>>



the software supports three video sources:

  • windows capture devices
  • network cameras
  • screen capture

it contains three Capture Interfaces


http://localhost:8080/ default URL after installation
http://localhost:8080/currentX.jpg current webcam picture
http://localhost:8080/currentX.mjpg webcam picture motion jpeg stream
http://localhost:8080/screen.jpg screen capture
http://localhost:8080/screen.mjpgscreen motion jpeg
http://localhost:8080/motionX.mjpg stored pictures motion jpeg

X is the selected camera number

all pictures and streams are scalable

AbelCam® is used with more than 2500 capture devices

AbelCam supports capture device with Multiple Inputs