All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019

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Edit detail for Motion Detection revision 4 of 13

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Editor: sse
Time: 2009/09/02 07:30:41 GMT+2

-  - Email on Motion<br>&nbsp; 
  - Motion sound<br>
check this to play a sound when motion is detected
you may choose a sound file<br>&nbsp; 

  - Test Sound<br>
Click here to make sure the sound file can be played<br>&nbsp; 

  - Email on Motion<br>&nbsp;<img src="/en/documentation/help/files/frmPictureMail.png" alt="Email on Motion settings"> 

-  - Motion sound<br>
-check this to play a sound when motion is detected
-you may choose a sound file<br>&nbsp; 
-  - Test Sound<br>
-Click here to make sure the sound file can be played<br>&nbsp; 

Motion Detection

Motion Detection Settings

Configuration ( in Local Save and FTP Upload )

  • Motion Detection
    must be checked to enable motion detection
  • Motion Trigger
    this is the trigger value for motion detection. A low value will detect motion easily, a high value will require lots of motion to detect it.
  • Current Value
    The currently detected motion level
  • Ignore first X seconds
    Set this to something > cam startup time to avoid false detections while camera is starting up or to a higher value to allow you to walk away until detection starts
  • No motion detection during moves
    check this is you use a TPZ device and you don't want moves to be detected. Shots detected while moving may have motion blur. This depends on the shutter speed of your camera.
  • Start detecting when user is idle for X minutes if this is checked, AbelCam will check for keyboard activity and start detecting when no key has been pressed for X minutes
  • Motion sound
    check this to play a sound when motion is detected you may choose a sound file
  • Test Sound
    Click here to make sure the sound file can be played
  • Email on Motion
     Email on Motion settings
    • Email address to send picture to
      obvious, isn't it?
    • Mail Server
      SMTP server to use when sending email
    • Send Email on motion detection
      check this to activate sending out emails
    • Send email when camera does not work
      this sends out a notification when the camera fails
    • Attach Picture
      check this to have a picture included in the email
    • Email only every X hours
      if X is set > 0, AbelCam will not send a email on every detected motion. Instead the program waits until two hours have elapsed to reactivating sending out emails.
    • Test
      Click here to send out a test email and verify your settings.

Local Save

  • To store motion detection shots on your disk, you must have both Local Save Active and Motion Detection checked.
  • Within the save interval, the Motion Trigger will be raised at the latest detected level.
    Only the shot with the highest motion level will be stored.
  • If no motion has been detected, no file will be saved.

FTP Upload

  • To upload motion detection shots to your FTP server, you must have both FTP Active and Motion Detection checked.
  • Within the save interval, the Motion Trigger will be raised at the latest detected level.
    Only the shot with the highest motion level will be uploaded.
  • If no motion has been detected, no file will be uploaded.

Video Save (available with VideoCapX interface)

  • For Record Single Frame on Motion Detection, the Local Save motion detection settings will be used.