All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019

Great solution, wonderful price - keep up the excellent work

 David Collis  more>>


Edit detail for AbelCamPTZ revision 1 of 1

Editor: sse
Time: 2009/07/31 10:23:40 GMT+2

AbelCam as IP PTZ Camera

  AbelCam can use a different AbelCam installation as IP PTZ camera.

  The template is configured to use camera #0. If you use a different camera, you will have to replace 0 with the desired camera number.

AbelCam as IP PTZ Camera

AbelCam can use a different AbelCam installation as IP PTZ camera.

The template is configured to use camera #0. If you use a different camera, you will have to replace 0 with the desired camera number.