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Used AbelCam to make a time lapse video
By: JohnMa
Rank: Frequent User
Topics: 31
From: n/a
Added: 01/31/2010 - 06:10 AM

I posted a video to YouTube that I made using AbelCam.


I set AbelCam to FTP still frames at one minute intervals to my website. Then I downloaded about 24 hours of the still frames, imported them into my video editing program (Studio). I set them to play 15 frames per second and added some background music. I thought it came out pretty well. The clouds moving across the sky are somewhat visible even at night. The lights from Gary, IN west along the lakeshore glow in the night. The moon sets. Dawn comes, revealing frozen Lake Michigan. Clouds fly across the sky. Snow flurries in the afternoon.

It is still set to upload. I don't know how much it will accumulate before my ISP complains about storage space.

I would like to see if I can have all three cameras uploading and then cut from one to another in the video.

If I were running it from home, I would just have AbelCam do local saves instead of FTP uploads, but since I'm doing it remotely from across the country it's faster and easier to download the files from the website afterwards.

Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool.
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