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By: EricB
Rank: New Member
Topics: 14
From: n/a
Added: 02/04/2007 - 07:15 PM

"LogiSphere development has been user driven from the first day.

This year, I have not heard much from LogiSphere users.
Maybe meanwhile the software is doing everything you would like it to do,
but it could also be that it's not doing the job at all and people stop using
the program."

I have nothing but good things to say about your software. I am running the latest version (2.0.8) and enjoy all the features it offers. I like the new java that you have for the next version. I always found the cross hair grid map to be of little use for me but it is nice to have if others like it. The new layout with slider bars looks more polished to me than 2.0.8. Lack of feedback might mean we are spoiled and just know you will keep spoon feeding us improvements. Keep up the great work. Your software allows me to check in with my family when I travel for work or have to stay late at the office.
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