All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019
AbelCam AbelCam Plugins Web Plugins AbelCam Dropbox Plugin

Things are working great. I am using this system to watch over employees/dogs etc.

 Bill Owens  more>>


Dropbox Plugin

Dropbox has changed the authentication interface - this Plugin is not available right now.
If you would like to use it, please drop us a line

use this plugin to store images in a Dropbox Folder.

When activating this plugin, you need to log in to your Dropbox account and authorize the plugin

In case you don't have a Dropbox account yet, you can Open a free Dropbox account

On every 10th upload, the max image count will be checked and old images will be removed.

The plugin won't upload any images while the configuration form is active.

Dropbox Plugin sample

Configure this plugin in Configuration/Plugins

  • Select Dropbox Plugin
  • Activate
    When the Dropbox account is not defined yet, you'll neet to authorize the plugin.
    No login will be stored on your computer, instead a token created by Dropbox will be used.
  • Configure
    Make sure you create a subfolder and store files in there.
    • Select Folder
    • Select interval type (every X minutes or at xx:xx each day)
    • Enter update interval / time for upload
    • Enter maximum images for this Folder (use 0 if you want no limit)
    • Configure image source URL
    • hit verify to make sure the URL works
    • Save the configuration

Note: This plugin will request access to the /App/AbelDrop folder in Dropbox. It will not have access to all other data in your Dropbox.
You can erase this access right any time in your Dropbox Settings

Download DropboxPlugin.dll (updated 2012-08-15)