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Sphere™ MP or Sphere™
By: Anonymous User
Added: 09/07/2006 - 09:50 AM

What is the different the Logitech® QuickCam® Sphere™ MP and Logitech® QuickCam® Sphere™?
I have got MP version. My problem the cam is not working together my asus wl500g router Undecided. In the router's forum everybody says its work with Logitech® QuickCam® Sphere™. Which different MP, because its not work Huh?.

Thanks answer

By: MelvinG
Rank: Magna Cum Laude
Topics: 661
From: Los Angeles, USA
Added: 09/08/2006 - 02:23 AM

The Sphere MP uses different drivers than the Sphere. The differences are in the video handling, not the PTZ handling. I'm sorry I don't have any more detail than that.

Sphere MP works great when connected directly to a computer running LogiSphere, by the way. Smile
By: Anonymous User
Added: 09/13/2006 - 01:14 PM

From MelvinG:
Sphere MP works great when connected directly to a computer running LogiSphere, by the way. Smile

Thanks for your answer.
I rehearse the logisphere softwer and it's work great. But the PC not runing always and the router always in the net.